Belship - groothandel voor de  watersport


Hydrogen generator





The energy transition necessitates development and use of new technologies, which will also find their application in the world of yacht and shipbuilding. The use of hydrogen as an energy source is one of the possibilities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.
PowerUP fuel cells are an alternative to traditional petrol or diesel-powered generators. Their light weight and compact size make them suitable for use as a mobile power source, or for permanent installation in boat or motorhome. With water vapour as the only exhaust, they are a noiseless and clean power source. There are models with power ratings from 200W to 6kW.Additional benefits include:

No noise compared to a traditional generator

Not heavy compared to batteries

Not dependent on wind vs. wind generators

Not dependent on sun compared to solar panels


The operation is simple. On the supply side, you have hydrogen from a cylinder and oxygen from ambient air. The output side you then have electricity for use and water vapour as exhaust as well as heat.


How do you calculate consumption? We'll take the UP400 in the example:

Specified fuel consumption is given in ltr/min at maximum capacity.

These ltr/min are the value at a pressure of 1 bar.

The UP400 has 5.2 ltr/min. A full cylinder of fuel has 9 litres at 300 bar.

The value is at 1 bar so the calculation becomes 300bar x 9 litres is 2700.

2700 / 5.2 ltr/min = 520 minutes what the UP400 can run at max power


The maximum the UP400 can charge is 34A per hour. 34A x 520 minutes = 295Amp.

So the 9 litres of hydrogen can be compared to a traditional 600 Amp battery bank because you only discharge 50%
